Marcelline Babicz

Marcelline Babicz

Marcelline Babicz is an experienced organization effectiveness practitioner and researcher whose global focus and cultural expertise define her work. As a consultant, manager, and senior executive, she has been instrumental in the success of numerous change efforts both in the United States and overseas. Marcelline has held positions of progressive responsibility in publishing, consumer products, oil and gas, and nonprofit sectors and has lived and worked in places as varied as Siberia and the Middle East. A sampling of her client list includes the Federal Aviation Administration, Eli Lilly (United Kingdom), U.S. Embassies in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, and a Malaysian gas production joint venture. She currently works for Guidehouse as a senior organization effectiveness consultant inside the U.S. Department of State. She previously participated in U.S. public diplomacy efforts by conducting workshops for key foreign government ministries and universities. Marcelline is also the President of NewView International, a consulting firm she founded and operated in the Middle East and Europe before relocating the organization to the U.S. in 2002.

Marcelline earned a BA in international communications from Texas Christian University, a Master of Organization Development (MOD) with an international and multicultural focus from Bowling Green State University, and a PhD in international relations from American University. Her research interests include the role of religion in foreign policy, political theology, national security and foreign policy decision-making, change management, organizational culture, and international and multicultural organization effectiveness.


Learn more about Professor Babicz in her Faculty Spotlight.

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