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Designed to fit your schedule

Earn your degree in one year from a top 25 university

No GRE required

Make a Meaningful Difference as You Advance Your Career

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    Critical thinkers and creative problem solvers are needed to lead this resilient field.
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    Examine the various facets of the hospitality & tourism industry, including innovations, sustainability, and diverse and ethical practices.
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    Develop knowledge and skills through a cutting-edge curriculum that will prepare you to be a leader in hospitality and tourism.

Lead through Innovation in this Dynamic Field

Pursue an Advanced Degree on Your Own Terms

Earn a Degree Designed for Your Professional Growth

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    Convenient, accessible online program that meets you where you are.
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    Benefit from focused, hands-on learning you can apply immediately in your organization.
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    Cultivate effective management skills that will serve you throughout your career.

Connect with Trojans from Around the World

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    Join our global Alumni Network of more than 475,000 graduates.
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    Learn from a dedicated faculty team with global hospitality and tourism experience.
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    Earn an advanced degree from one of the most innovative institutions of higher education.

Connect with Trojans from Around the World