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Designed to fit your schedule

Earn your degree in one year from a top 25 university

No GRE required

Fast-Track Your Career in a Vital Field

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    Interdisciplinary emergency managers are needed across public and private sectors, nonprofit, and government

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    Between 2016 and 2020, the total cost of billion-dollar climate and weather-related disasters in the US exceeded $600 billion

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    Develop the strategic and analytical skills necessary for leaders in times of crisis


Fast-Track Your Career in a Vital Field

Develop Invaluable Expertise as you Earn your Master’s Degree

Develop Invaluable Expertise as You Earn Your Master’s Degree

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    Master critical leadership and communication skills for effective emergency management
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    Advance your expertise through the practical, applied curriculum
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    Classes work with your schedule in a convenient, accessible online format

Join an Unparalleled Global Network

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    Join our global Alumni Network of more than 475,000 graduates
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    Learn from a dedicated faculty team with global emergency management experience
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    Earn an advanced degree from a leading private research university

Join an Unparalleled Global Network