The retention table below captures the overall retention for the MMLIS program. The table shows the number of students who began the program each semester, starting with the first cohort in Summer 2013 through the Spring 2023cohort. Enrollment from the first to second semester is a key transition point for students in the program. As such, the retention table shows the percentage of students who enroll for their second semester in the program, where the overall average for the program is 90%. The retention table also tracks average terms to graduation. Please note that the data reflects cohorts operating under the conditions of previous catalogue iterations. Starting fall 2024, students will follow a new catalogue with revised curriculum and program requirements. This change may impact the average terms to graduation moving forward.

Retention Data and Average Time to Completion

CohortsNumber of Entering StudentsContinued to the Second TermPercentage RetentionAverage Terms to Graduation
Summer 2013141393%5
Fall 20139889%5
Spring 201477100%6
Summer 20147571%6
Fall 201499100%5
Spring 201599100%5
Summer 20151111100%5
Fall 2015181478%5
Spring 20169889%6
Summer 20164375%5
Fall 2016121192%5
Spring 2017141286%6
Summer 2017141179%6
Fall 2017333297%5
Spring 2018171376%5
Summer 2018141071%6
Fall 20182626100%5
Spring 201910990%5
Summer 20199889%5
Fall 2019232191%5
Spring 20201515100%5
Summer 20201515100%5
Fall 2020222091%5
Spring 20211717100%5
Summer 202177100%5
Fall 202111873%5
Spring 2022161594%5
Fall 2022131185%N/A
Spring 20231010100%N/A
Grand Total39535890%5

Student Placement Relevant to MMLIS Degree

Graduation TermResponse RateRelevant to Degree
Fall 2014 89%75%
Spring 2015100%100%
Summer 2015100%100%
Fall 2015 100%100%
Spring 2016 100%88%
Summer 2016 86%83%
Fall 2016 87%86%
Spring 201775%100%
Summer 201775%67%
Fall 201766%50%
Spring 201864%71%
Summer 201875%100%
Fall 201878%86%
Spring 201992%83%
Summer 201993%92%
Fall 2019100%89%
Spring 202090%89%
Summer 202087%71%
Fall 202089%88%
Spring 2021100%95%
Summer 202167%90%
Fall 202182%89%
Spring 202271%85%
Summer 202247%70%
Fall 202233%77%
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