USC’s 2024 MSPM Graduates Challenged to Forge A Path of Leadership

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bovard banner bearers 2024
MSPM graduates, flag bearer Kevin Lee and banner bearer Sumeet Sharma, during the 2024 commencement ceremony on USC’s University Park Campus.
Photo: Stella Kalinina

Over 120 Master of Science in Project Management (MSPM) graduates, along with their families, friends, and peers, gathered on USC’s University Park campus to celebrate commencement on May 10, 2024. The MSPM graduates, spanning across 15 states, primarily work in project management and related fields at companies such as: Amazon, Boeing, Google, Merrill Lynch, the United States Navy, and more. 

Dean Anthony Bailey opened the ceremony by recognizing the accomplishments of Bovard College’s inaugural winner of the Order of the Laurel and the Palm; the Order of Arête winners, including MSPM graduates Meagan Adams, Paul Lee, and Kevin Lee, who also served as this year’s flag bearer, and banner bearer, Sumeet Sharma. The faculty members who received awards for excellence in student mentoring, faculty mentoring, teaching, and service and leadership were acknowledged as well. Dean Bailey also assured the graduates that they are ready to be positive forces in their various industries as they commemorate this milestone. 

This year’s commencement speaker was Bovard College professor Tiffany Danko. With nearly 30 years of applied experience, Danko is a professional in emergency management, maritime and homeland security, intelligence, and international affairs. In her address to the graduates, she emphasized important lessons of leadership, while reflecting on her experience as Rear Admiral in the US Coast Guard Reserve. She reminded the graduates that, “Leadership isn’t the easiest task – it requires difficult decisions, hard conversations, embodying challenges and challenging others.”

Students in the program examine core PM principles and explore the full spectrum of project management concepts and methodologies, including portfolio and program management, technical project delivery, Agile, and change management. While the program assists students to advance to the next level of their careers, it also emphasizes the strategic role that project management plays in the performance of global organizations, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to be effective leaders.

The online MS in Project Management program at USC Bovard College is designed to fit students’ schedules and is offered on both a one- and two-year track. At 24 units, the program can be completed in just 12 months for students in the one-year track. No GRE is required, and students have their choice of three enrollment dates each year.

Watch the 2024 ceremony here.

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