Graduate Programs at USC Bovard College
The online graduate programs at USC Bovard College were developed to accelerate careers in high-growth fields.
Our focus is on creating a new kind of learning experience – one that enables you to access some of the most influential minds in your profession and engage with them in real time. We assemble knowledgeable, industry-insightful faculty, who are keenly aware of the skills employers are looking for in their new hires and those they promote. They teach the current best thinking in their fields.
Our tech-savvy, student-centered approach is designed for busy professionals like you – whenever, and wherever, you are ready to take a bold step forward. At home on your laptop? Join the discussion. On the move? Ask your question on your phone. Mentor-to-student, peer-to-peer, our forward-thinking degree programs are on the go – just like you.
Your network will also expand as mentors become potential references and employers, and classmates become contacts and future colleagues. You will share a bond with all other professionals who proudly proclaim their USC success on their LinkedIn profiles.